
Configuring Logging

The gateware_log_level configuration option controls the verbosity of GATE-Ware log messages. The default value is info which means that only informational messages are logged.

When troubleshooting, it can be helpful to increase the verbosity of GATE-Ware by changing the gateware_log_level to debug. This will log more information about the internal operations of GATE-Ware.

Steps to Configure Logging:

  1. Edit the gateware.json configuration file and add the following setting: "gateware_log_level": "debug"
  2. Browse to your Conduit UI
  3. Set the Debug Log Level field to DEBUG

Important Notes:

  • It is recommended to use the debug & trace log levels only when troubleshooting and never in production environments.
  • The debug & trace log levels are very verbose and can cause performance issues.
  • The debug & trace log levels may cause GATE-Ware to log sensitive information, such as passwords.

Accessing Logs

Downloading Logs

The GATE-Ware logs can be downloaded from the Conduit management UI page: (replacing with the IP address of your Conduit).

Viewing Logs over SSH

The GATE-Ware logs can be viewed over SSH by running the following command:

tail -F /var/log/messages