
Full list of attributes, with some powerful options

The sections below expose the complete set of GATE-Ware configuration options. Please take note of the (required) vs (optional) markers, as most options exist to extend basic functionality.

It is worth noting that basic functionality is all that most users of the application will ever need to implement in their configuration files. However, Optional values extend the application in some powerful ways.

GATE-Ware Core

Option Values default value Purpose
backend (optional, string) mqtt “Backend” is where we are pushing data from sensors to, acceptable values: mqtt, aws, azureiot, azure
gateware_backend_watchdog_max_interval (optional, int) 120 In seconds, interval we want the backend watchdog waiting before restarting GATE-Ware
gateware_external_command_timeout (optional, int) 60 In seconds, timeout for running system commands for things like app-manager
gateware_license_key (required, string) no license GATE-Ware license key
gateware_log_destination (optional, string) syslog Logging destination, supports: syslog, file, stdout
gateware_log_filename (optional, string) /var/log/gateware.log If log destination is set to file this is where logs go
gateware_log_level (optional, string) info Logging level minimum, supported: trace, debug, warn, error
gateware_uplink_transforms (optional, array of transforms) See: Transforms

Backend: Azure IoT

Option Values default value Purpose
backend_azure_ca (optional, string) DiGiCert Global Root G2 Certificate used for configuring MQTT w/ TLS for connection with Azure, described. here and here. If not specified the DigiCert Global Root G2 certificate is used, per Microsoft recommendation.
backend_azure_dps_group_enrollment_registration (optional, boolean) false This will enable group enrollment via Azure DPS. Individual enrollment is the default
backend_azure_dps_registration_id (optional, string) If backend_azure_dps_registration_id_from_serial is disabled, this string is used for the MQTT client ID
backend_azure_dps_registration_id_from_serial (optional, boolean) true Client ID for MQTT sessions will be derived from the conduit serial
backend_azure_dps_scope_id (required, string) This is unique per DPS configuration
backend_azure_iot_hub_heartbeat_enabled (optional, boolean) true IoT Hub heartbeat publishes an empty message to the device’s topic in an attempt to keep the TCP connection alive
backend_azure_iot_hub_heartbeat_interval (optional, int) 900 In seconds, how often do we send the heartbeat
backend_azure_sas_primary_key (required, string) Primary symmetric key
backend_azure_sas_secondary_key (required, string) Secondary symmetric key

Backend: MQTT / AWS

Option Values default value Purpose
backend_mqtt_ca (optional, string) Certificate used for configuring MQTT w/ TLS for connection
backend_mqtt_client_certificate (optional, string) Client certificate for MQTT
backend_mqtt_endpoint_host (required, string) MQTT broker hostname
backend_mqtt_endpoint_keepalive (optional, int) 60 In seconds, MQTT keep alive via Paho
backend_mqtt_endpoint_port (optional, int) 1883 MQTT port
backend_mqtt_endpoint_qos (optional, int) 1 QoS
backend_mqtt_max_publish_attempts (optional, int) 150 How many times do we attempt to publish a message when failures occur. 0 is infinite
backend_mqtt_password (optional, string) Password for authentication
backend_mqtt_private_key (optional, string) Private key for client certificate
backend_mqtt_use_tls (optional, boolean) false Whether or not to use TLS during connection
backend_mqtt_username (optional, string) Username for authentication